Reiki for your pet

Book a Reiki appointment for your furry friend

If your fur baby has seen some stressful times of late then we have some Great news.

We now run 15 minute 'Pooch Reiki' sessions at David Bones.

If you would like to bring your furry friend along for a session please call me to make an appointment

$25/15 mins.

Gai 0431 082 724

About Reiki and why it is so beneficial for your pet

I am the owner of David Bones but I am also a trained Reiki Practitioner since 2008.

Just like people, our animals really benefit from having a regular session of Reiki.

The 5 top reasons your furry friend may benefit from Reiki.

1. Routine healthcare. 

Just as humans are taught preventative healthcare is the best medicine, so it is with our furry friends. Reiki, on a regular basis, keeps them stay balanced with life force energy and equips them to enjoy a healthy, long life.

2. Before being boarded in a kennel.

Often, travelling requires you to leave your pet behind and board them in a kennel. Doing this can cause stress for you as well as your precious animal. Having a Reiki session prior to boarding can help your pet stay calm and reinforce their immune system (and it won't hurt you either)!

3. Pre and Post Surgery.

When your pet needs to have surgery, a session of Reiki before and then after the surgery will relax them and even provide healing properties. We are all energy and Reiki works to remove the unhealthy stuff. 

It's a win-win.

4. Hyper or nervous pooches. 

You love your fur baby, but oh, he or she can be sooo hyper! A regular session of Reiki has been known to calm, relax and  provide peace to a pooch, knowing all is well. 

5. Transitioning. (In this instance, so as not to disturb  your precious pooch, I offer a home visit).

When the time comes for your family pet to pass on, Reiki can help all of you to come to terms with their immenent passing.

So as you greet your furry bundle upon returning home, think about how you can show your precious pet even more love and attention. 

Reiki is one vital way to bestow upon your pet the knowledge and love of just how much you care.
